Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Effects of speech and language difficulties in children Essay Example for Free

Effects of speech and language difficulties in children Essay Speech, communication and language development are always at the heart of each and every child’s learning as well as the link to other areas of the child’s development. Without these skills in speech, language and communication, a child will not reach their full potentials. According to a report by the Charity ICAN, one out of ten children, about three children in every classroom have difficulties in communication that may require a help from a specialist ( With this number of children with communication difficulties, it is very vital to have practitioners who are more knowledgeable to support these kids in speech, language and communication skills. It is very evident that there is an increasing number of children who are entering the education environment with language and speech problems. This speech will highlight some of the main causes of language and speech difficulties along with the effects this can have on the other areas of the child’s development. It will also highlight on the major measures to be taken to effectively boost the children’s communication skills. The effects of language and speech difficulties There are many factors that can cause difficulties in language and speech in children, these include: Childhood illness- a child with chronic ear infection can have a lot of difficulties in language and speech development. In this infection persist, there will be fluids in the ear and this will impact on the child’s hearing. This affects how a child will process the language and hence result in delayed language and speech skills acquisition. Use of bottles and dummies- A prolonged use of bottles and dummies by kids can adversely affect their language, speech and communication skills. Before kids learn to say a word or a sentence, they explore their voices through producing different sounds and noises. So, with a prolonged use of bottles and dummies will make the children adapt the sounds of these bottles and they will hence be using their voices less often. The teat from the dummy or bottle can also disrupt the tongue and lips movement at the front of the mouth and this leads to a distorted speech. Complications in using the oral muscles-children communications skills can also be affected by oral motor disorders. A kid with a oral motor disorder will find it very difficult in using their tongue, jaw and lips’ muscles. This will result in much difficulty in speaking as well as feeding. Developmental difficulties- this will affect the kids with Autistic Spectrum because they will find it very difficult to understand verbal or non-verbal skills. Birth difficulties- Dysathria is a condition that affects the muscles that are used for speech and hence leading to language and speech difficulties. This is mostly caused by changes to the brain during pregnancy and also at birth. Lack of simulation-kids learns through watching others. They copy language by observing the behavior and actions of the others around them. If the kids do not receive adequate simulation, they will end up having difficulties in communication skills. The literacy runs an initiative that is titled, â€Å"talk to your baby† so as to support early language simulation. They state that, â€Å"lack of early language stimulation can lead to language delay, and sometimes literacy and learning difficulties that then extend well beyond early literacy development and can be extremely costly or difficult to remedy.† Impacts of language, speech and communication skills Language, speech and communication skills are very vital for promoting other areas of learning. A child’s with communication difficulties, their overall development will be affected. The impacts of child’s language and communication difficulties vary depending on the individual needs of the child along with the severity of these difficulties. The following areas could be adversely affected. Play- play is vital for children’s development, structuring their confidence as they learn to think about problems, to explore and also to relate to others. When a child gets older, they start using languages to relate to others in the games. The other children start incorporating rules to the games. For a child to play the game he/she must follow the rules, but if they had difficulties in communication, they will obviously be left out and hence this would lead to low self esteem and loss of confidence. This will also affect the child’s Personal, Social and Emotional Development. Friendships- a child with difficulties in communication will find it very difficult in mingling with the others and hence their friendship with other children will be much compromised and this will lead to losing a lot from the others. Literacy- difficulty in understanding and processing language can lead to delays in acquisition of phonic and reading skills. Adapting the communication methods for these kids Since different children will have varying level of severity, there are different methods that can be employed to individual children to support their problems. Praise the childeren’s efforts- praising a child on what they have done well will raise the child’s self esteem and confidence, hence boosting their participation. Guided activity-Every time you talk with a child with this difficulty, always use a simple language or phrases. Slow down communication- give the child time to listen, think and work on what has been said. Rushing a child may make them think that they have failed. Children will be more likely to answer questions if they feel comfortable and are given the opportunity to participate. Use of visual aids-this could be a very successful strategy for training children with communication difficulties. In everyday’s communication, hand actions and gestures could support a conversation and also engage a child. Visual aids could be used to help children in understanding the day to day routine and making decisions. Conclusion To conclude, I would say it would be important for us to adapt the communication methods for the kids that are well suited for them to develop their good language, speech and the overall communication skills. Adaptation paper Effects of speech and language difficulties in children The choices made The main reason that I chose this topic is because everyone here has come into contact with a child with language, speech or overall communication skills difficulties. So it is very vital for us to understand the difficulties that these kids pass through so that we could be able to help them out of this problem. This is so because we are now the adults that these young ones are looking for help. Hence, it is very vital if we understood these difficulties so that we shall be able to help these children. Through this, I was sure that we shall understand how the language and speech difficulties can really impact on the young one’s overall development. Through this we shall be able to identify the extent of the problem and administer the best possible solutions. Also, one day we were all kids. We have seen many kids grow and hence through this we know the many requirements of a child in learning and the acquisition of communication skills. So I decided to choose on this topic to boost our knowledge on caring for these kids and also to be responsible adults. This is a topic that people think that they know everything that should be done but I had to dig out to come up with facts about it so as to substantiate on what others knew. For instance, on how language, speech and communication will impact on the overall development of the child, one could point out the social, personal and emotional development. This looks at how a child will develop self esteem and confidence and also at how children make decisions and choices. It is really important to learn the ways in which these communication problems could be modified because a kid with a communication and language difficulty may find it vey difficulty to express their preference and needs, and this makes it very difficulty to make their own choices and decisions. So the development of acceptable communication skills is very reliant on the help from the adults like most of my audience. Children may refrain from engaging or entering social institutions where they have difficulties in interacting and participating to the fullest this can adversely affect the their social and emotional difficulties. So it is very vital that I could address this issue. References Source document

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Challenges of Lesbian and Gay Youth Essay -- Lesbian Gay Teens Ado

The Challenges of Lesbian and Gay Youth This research paper is missing the works cited â€Å"The unprecedented growth of the gay community in recent history has transformed our culture and consciousness, creating radically new possibilities for people to ‘come out’ and live more openly as homosexuals†(Herdt 2). Before the 1969 Stonewall riot in New York, homosexuality was a taboo subject. Research concerning homosexuality emphasized the etiology, treatment, and psychological adjustment of homosexuals. Times have changed since 1969. Homosexuals have gained great attention in arts, entertainment, media, and politics. Yesterday’s research on homosexuality has expanded to include trying to understand the different experiences and situations of homosexuals (Ben-Ari 89-90). Despite the transition, little consideration has been given to understanding the growing population of gay adolescents. 25% of American families are likely to have a gay child (Hidalgo 24); In the United States, three million adolescents are estimated to be homosexual. Yet, American society still ignores gay adolescents. Majority of children are raised in heterosexual families, taught in heterosexual establishments, and put in heterosexual peer groups. Gay adolescents often feel forced by parents to pass as â€Å"heterosexually normal† (Herdt 2). As a result, homosexual teens hide their sexual orientation and feelings, especially from their parents. Limited research conducted on gay young adults on disclosure to parents generally suggests that disclosure is a time of familial crisis and emotional distress. Very few researchers argue that disclosure to parents results in happiness, bringing parents and children closer (Ben-Ari 90).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The debate over homosexuality as nature or nurture dominates most topics about homosexuality. People often confuse the nature/nurture issue with the development of gay identity. In fact, the nature/nurture argument plays a small, insignificant role concerning gay youths (Walling 11). Homosexual identity is the view of the self as homosexual in association with romantic and sexual situations (Troiden 46) Many researchers have either discussed or created several models or theories concerning the development of homosexual identity. However, the most prominent is Troiden’s sociological four-stage model of homosexual identity formation. Dr. Richard R. Troiden desc... ...Being kicked out from the home is another consequence of rejection by parents (Mallon, Wagon 83). Urban and rural Associate researchers discovered that many young male prostitutes are homosexual, and they are products of their families’ inability to accept their son’s homosexuality (Coleman 136).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It would be wrong to say that only negative outcomes occur when a child tells his parents he is gay. Many children feel that in order to establish an honest relationship with their parents then they must â€Å"come clean† to them. Ben-Ari’s research points out those adolescents who want to be open and honest with their parents receive that after disclosure. Parents are usually accepting after time their child’s sexual preference (107) Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This paper has effort to generally show youths growing up gay. A number of issues have been presented involving gay identity formation, parental interaction, and disclosure. Homosexuality is a very controversial subject. By no mean does this paper try to say that it is â€Å"totally correct.† However, the paper does examine logical theoretical ideas of what gay adolescents endure, using and combining research and reports of other gay studies.

Monday, January 13, 2020

academic communication

IntroductionThis is about academic communicating procedure theoretical account and its constituents ; how they would breakdown into three different phases and stairss to avoid them. Communication is the most of import portion of our life. We begin to larn some of the accomplishments of communicating before we are born, and most of us will go on to utilize them until the twenty-four hours we die. We communicate with friends, household, workplace ; we may pass on indirectly: we watch films, and listen to music. These are all communicating procedure in different phases. We will discourse about it in this assignment. Harmonizing to Weick and Browning ( 1986 ) , communicating is the procedure of conveying information from one individual to another. Gerbner ( 1967 ) adds that communicating may be defined as societal interaction through messages. Another bookman Theodorson ( 1969 ) defines communicating as the transmittal of information, thoughts, attitudes, or emotion from one individual or group to another chiefly through symbols. Osgood et Al ( 1957 ) besides remarks that we have communication wherever one system, a beginning, influences another, the finish, by use of alternate symbols, which can be transmitted over the channel linking them. On the footing of above definitions, communicating is the sharing information between two or more people to make a common apprehension. However, making a common apprehension does non intend that people have to hold with each other. They should hold an accurate thought of what a individual or group is seeking to state them. Communication is besides a procedure, and like most procedures it can be usefully modelled. Gathering a theoretical account frequently helps in believing about and understanding procedures and systems. The basic communicating procedure starts when the transmitter formulates an thought or thinks of something to state. The thought is so encoded or transformed into meaningful symbols. Turning the formulated ideas into spoken or written words constitutes encoding. Thought and thoughts have to be in some signifier of codification to organize catching messages. These encoded messages are so transmitted via voice, missive, electronic mail, telephone or some other channel to the receiving system. Geting the message from the transmitter to the receiving system is really of import, unless the communicating goes from one individual to another there is no communicating. Messages transmit via a channel. Channel refers to the peculiar engineering or method used to acquire the message to the receiving system. Major communicating channels are letters, e-mail, face-to-face conversation, telephone, facsimile, newspapers, booklets, movie, picture, wireless, telecasting, web sites and postings. Then the receiving system decodes the message – interprets the message, and gives feedback to the transmitter. Feedback helps both transmitter and receiving system determine the lucidity of the message. Feedback is a response from the receiving system. With feedback, the procedure becomes a conversation or bipartisan communicating.Beginning: adapted from Himstreet, Baty and Lehman ( 1993 ) .However, a major progress in communicating theory came with Claude Shannon ‘s 1949 publication of his mathematical theory of communicating. He and other information theoreticians at the Bell Telephone Laboratories were concerned with the procedure of reassigning signals accurately from transmitter to receiver. Their concern was non with words or word significances but with coded stuff sent from one machine to another – from a orbiter to earth or from one computing machine to another. Shannon ‘s communicating theoretical account was critical for communicating research as Johnson and Klare ( 1961 ) say in their reappraisal of communicating theoretical accounts: â€Å"Of all individual parts to the widespread involvement in theoretical accounts today, Shannon ‘s is the most of import. For the proficient side of communicating research, Shannon ‘s mathematical preparations were the stimulation to much of the ulterior attempt in this area.†Beginning: adopted from Shannon and Weaver ( 1949 ) .Shannon and Weaver ‘s ‘mathematical theoretical account ‘ describes communicating as a additive, one-way procedure. Harmonizing to Shannon ( 1949 ) , communicating procedure consists of basically five constituents: 1. An information beginning which produces a message or sequences of messages to be communicated to the having terminus. The message may be assorted types such as a sequence of letters as in a telegraph or teletype system ; a individual map of clip. A message is composed of a set of symbols. These symbols can be verbal or gestural. Verbal symbols are words used when talking or composing. Letterss, memorandas, studies, booklets, catalogues, manuals, and one-year studies are composed of verbal symbols. These symbols are besides used when talking face-to-face or on the telephone, take parting in a conference or meeting, or presenting a address. Gestural symbols such as gestures, position, facial looks, visual aspect, and clip, tone of voice, oculus contact, and infinite ever accompany verbal symbols. All messages contain gestural symbols that help the receiving system interpret verbal symbols. If verbal and gestural symbols struggle, receiving systems by and large believe the gestural symbols over the verbal symbols. For illustration, a gross revenues representative may state that your history is really of import but so keeps you waiting. The representative ‘s gestural communicating may do you to oppugn the representative ‘s earnestness, and you may make up one's mind to take your concern elsewhere. 2. A sender which operates on the message in order to bring forth a signal suita ble for transmittal over the channel. 3. The channel is simply the medium used to convey the signal from sender to receiver. The manner a transmitter selects to direct a message is called the channel. Letterss, memorandas, and studies are the most common channels for written messages. One-to-one conversations, telephone conversations, and meetings are common channels of unwritten messages. Electronic mail, videoconferences and voice mail are common channels of electronic messages. Choosing the appropriate channel is important. 4. The receiving system normally performs the reverse operation of that done by the sender, retracing the message from the signal. 5. The finish is the individual for whom the message is intended. Here the finish is the receiver. A individual or things to whom a message is sent is the receiver. The receiver is responsible to give significance to the verbal and gestural symbols used by the transmitter. The significance receiving systems give to message depends on their several educational backgrounds, experiences, involvements, sentiments, and emotional provinces. Miscommunication consequences if the receiving system gives the message a different significance than the transmitter intended. As it is seen from the diagram, Shannon did non include feedback which is truly critical for effectual communicating. Shannon ‘s communicating procedure theoretical account was stimulus phase for other behavioral scientists ; because they developed his theoretical account more advanced and included feedback as an of import phase. Feedback is a message or portion of a message that the receiver returns to the transmitter so that the message may be modified or adjusted to do it clearer to the receiver. When one individual responds to another ‘s message, the response is called feedback. Feedback is the reaction of the receiving system to the message received. It may besides be gestural ( a smiling, a scowl, a intermission, etc. ) or it may be verbal ( a telephone call or a missive ) . Feedback is a critical constituent of effectual communicating because it helps find whether the receiving system has understood the message. These communicating procedure constituents may breakdown at different phases. First of wholly, we will specify the significance of dislocation or barrier. Breakdown to communication include anything that prevents a message from being received or understood. Barriers/breakdowns are, hence, synonymous in many ways with noise though technological noise ( e.g. inactive on telephone lines ) is less of a barrier and more of an obstruction. A technological job does non normally stop communicating, though it may barricade it temporarily. Technological jobs are besides possibly the easiest jobs to work out. When equipment fails, is unsuited to the undertaking for which it is used, or when the job is every bit simple as an wrong telephone figure, this can normally be rapidly identified and remedied. Technological jobs are, hence, a signifier of noise but they are an obstruction instead than a barrier to communicating. Barriers are normally of homo instead than technological beginning. Human barriers are frequently less seeable but by and large more eventful. These three barriers are: Socio-cultural barriers ; Psychological barriers ; Organisational barriers. Socio-cultural barriers. Communication ever involves other people. An person can be a bearer of civilization but one individual can non make civilization. Culture is a group or societal phenomenon. Culture is powerful. The linguistic communication we use, the nutrient we eat and how we eat it, how we dress, what we believe and so on, are all powerful cultural traits. We accept them as if they were non-confrontable and non-debatable. Culture occurs at national, cultural, regional and even organizational degree can be a barrier to communicating exactly because civilization is both powerful and shaping of groups. The cardinal socio-cultural elements that may be barriers are: Groupthink is the societal phenomenon which occurs when group behaviour dominates and stifles the decision-making procedure ( Janis 1982 ) . It occurs when societal norms or a group ‘s desire for consensus overwhelms its desire to make determinations that are in its best involvement. It is what happens when shared values and conformance get out of control. Group think is a major job in concern, where people work extensively in groups and squads. For case, group members over-communicate or emphasize their similarities in beliefs and values while, at the same clip, concealing or under-communicating their differences. This consequences in the visual aspect of tight similarity within the group. Another illustration, the group develops and maintains strong shared beliefs without oppugning their truth or their implicit in premises. Rather than acknowledging some direction or strategic mistake to explicate failure, the group will apologize or fault external forces. Conflicting values and belief. Culture is based on shared beliefs and values. When communicating occurs across cultural boundaries, the potency for misinterpretation is magnified. Cultural and societal norms are so deep-rooted that people act upon them without being consciously cognizant of making so. When cross-cultural concern ventures fail, the participants are frequently unable to understand why. It is normally a communicating failure stemming from a deficiency of cognition about each other ‘s basic values and norms. Administrations need to guarantee they are familiar with possible cultural differences before trying to make concern across civilizations. Languages and slang. Even when we ‘re pass oning in the same linguistic communication, words mean different things to different people. Age and context are two of the biggest factors that influence the linguistic communication a individual uses and the definitions he/she gives to words. When Michael Schiller, a concern adviser, was speaking with his 15-year-old girl about where she was traveling with her friends, he told her, â€Å"You need to acknowledge your ARAs and step against them.† His girl â€Å"looked at him like he was from outer space.† ARA stands for answerability, duty, and authorization. This point is that although we all can talk the same linguistic communication, but the usage of that linguistic communication is far from unvarying. If we knew how each of us modified the linguistic communication, communicating troubles would be minimized.Psychological Barriers are those associating to the person and the person ‘s mental and emotional province. Key psychological barriers are:Filtering. Peoples tend to hear what they want to hear and see what they want to see. For illustration, at Beacon Research Associates, a mid-sized, societal study company, leaders of each research squad were informed by missive of their budget allotments twice a twelvemonth. When the undertaking director received his allotment, he scanned the missive, took note of the sum of his budget and quickly filed the missive. What he did non notice was the paragraph which stated that the research allowance had to be used up in this budget period within six months. Any excess sum could non be carried frontward into the following period. The director selected from all of the information in the missive merely the informations in which he was interested – his budget allotment – and filtered out the remainder. The consequence was that six months subsequently he was really surprised to larn that the balance of his budget financess was recalled, which pu t terrible force per unit area on some undertakings. Often our consequences and prejudices are a consequence of personal value systems or our cultural backgrounds. The key to avoiding filtrating jobs is to listen carefully, to read carefully and to be cognizant that we all have a inclination to be selective about the information and information with which we are confronted. Percepts are how we view the universe. We choose our friends because they tend to believe like us, act like us, believe the things in which we believe and do the sorts of things we do. We frequently are non even cognizant that our perceptual experiences influence so many countries of our life. We have perceptual experiences of world that we trust and we behave harmonizing to those beliefs which, in bend, act upon our behavior. Our perceptual experiences can be barriers to communicating. We can decline to admit or go to to what is being communicated because we have preconceived thoughts about its relevancy to our lives. Faulty memory. Sometimes we do n't retrieve what has been communicated to us ; this will take to incomplete or uneffective communicating. Good memory accomplishments can be learnt and should be practised in order to go an effectual communicator. Poor listening accomplishments. Inadequate memory accomplishments can besides be attributed to hapless hearing. Day-dreaming, reading, listening to another conversation instead than the 1 in which we are engaged, looking around the room and merely by and large non concentrating on listening represent hapless listening accomplishments. Emotional intervention. Emotions can be a barrier to communication both in sending and receiving messages. When people are angry, fearful or sad their communicating accomplishments can be impaired. We can non command person ‘s emotions ; nevertheless we can command our ain emotions to a grade. How the receiving system feels at the clip of reception of a communicating influences how he/she interprets it. The same message received when we ‘re angry or distraught is frequently interpreted otherwise than it is when we ‘re happy. Extreme emotions such as exultation or depression are most likely to impede effectual communicating.Organizational barriers chiefly relate to the administration ‘s construction, civilization, forms of work and communicating flows. The most common organizational barriers are:Information overload. Persons have a finite capacity for treating informations. When the information we have to work with exceeds our processing capacity, the consequen ce is information overload. And with electronic mails, IM, phone calls, facsimiles, meetings, and the demand to maintain current in one ‘s field, the potency for today ‘s directors and professionals to endure from information overload is high. Message competition. Information overload leads to message competition. The sum of information we deal with every twenty-four hours forces us to do picks about what is of import and what can be ignored. A director can have a 100s of messages a twenty-four hours in different signifiers. Directors are put under more emphasis by the possible danger of losing or disregarding of import messages and therefore endanger their effectivity. Information deformation. A potentially bigger cost can be paid by administrations that suffer from information deformation. Taller structures mean that information has to go through through more sections and people before acquiring to its finish. This may do the information to be distorted due to misconstruing. Message filtrating. Directors select the communications to which they pay attending by filtrating or testing them. When go throughing on information directors one time once more filter information or reproduce it in brief signifier for the ingestion of others. This procedure happens at many degrees in administrations. Status differences. Directors tend to listen less carefully to subsidiaries. This will take dislocation of communicating. Structural jobs. Administrations can be structured with many beds and directors in the top would hold less communicating with the below employees of the hierarchal construction. The greater the distance – physical, societal or cultural, between two points, the longer it will take to acquire information from one point to the other. George Eliot says: â€Å"The people of the universe are islands shouting at each other across a sea of misunderstanding.† It is really critical to hold effectual communicating in order to be successful. It can be achieved by avoiding communicating dislocation. These stairss are: directing clear messages to the receiving system, and finish the message adequate to enable both the transmitter and the receiving system to make a common apprehension ; transmitter should avoid the specialized linguistic communication such as slang when composing to an foreigner ; message should be in platitude linguistic communication non cliches or local expressions that mean nil to a non-native talker ; the receiving system should besides be a good hearer by halt speaking, put the talker at easiness, keeping oculus contact, being open-minded, inquiring inquiry or giving a feedback. A communicator should digest bad wonts in order to set up good resonance sometimes ; should avoid accusals ; should concentrate on behavior non a individual ; should be specific instead than general ; should avoid defensiveness ; should portion in formation instead than giving advice ; should propose more acceptable options ; should give positive feedback. Deep external respiration, remaining entirely for a piece will assist get the better of emotional barriers. Administrations should concentrate on jobs and issues ; they should listen and promote subsidiaries efficaciously despite of their position. Employers should pay attending to the words and feelings of the employees that are being expressed. If an administration receives many messages from the clients, they should use excess staff for specifically looking after the messages and facsimiles. Communication is good or effectual when members of an administration portion information with each other and all parties involved are comparatively clear about what this information means.DecisionWe have discussed about communicating, Shannon ‘s mathematical communicating procedure and its constituents ; the barriers to communicating and steps how to avoid them. As discussed earlier we communicate because of a demand: a demand to acquire our thoughts across to others. Like animate beings, we communicate with sounds, although unlike animate beings, we have evolved address, which can convey complex thoughts. Unlike animate beings, excessively, we can encode these sounds into symbols, therefore giving the thoughts their ain extended and independent life crossing the coevalss. Communication can be seen as a round procedure. Person has an thought they wish to go through on. They determine who is to have the thought, and how it is to be recorded and transmitted. The chosen receiver becomes a transmitter when they deliver feedback to the conceiver of the thought to demo that is has been received and understood. Peoples engaged in communicating encode and decode messages while at the same time functioning as both transmitter and receiving systems. In the communicating procedure, feedback helps people resolve possible misinterpretations and therefore better communicating effectivity. Communication takes two signifiers – verbal and non-verbal. Although non-verbal is of import, verbal communicating is the manner that we communicate the thoughts, ideas or instructions we need to go through on. We do this in two ways: spoken and written. For a communicating to be effectual it has to be received and understood. There are two peculiar accomplishments concerned with apprehension: hearing efficaciously and reading attentively. Communication is one of the most of import procedures that takes topographic point in administrations. Effective communicating allows persons, groups, and administrations to accomplish their ends and execute at high degrees, and it affects virtually every facet of organizational behavior.Bibliographic MentionsForsyth, P. and Madden, D. 2005, Business Communications, ICSA Publishing Ltd, Norfolk. George, J. M and Jones, G. R. 2008, Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior, Pearson Prentice Hall, 5th ed. , US. Himstreet and Bary 1965, Business Communications, 2nd ed. , Wadsworth Publishing Company, California. Himstreet, Baty and Lehman 1993, Business communications, 10th ed. , Wadsworth Publishing Company, California. Judge, R. 2009, Organizational Behavior, 13th ed. , Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey. McQuail, D. and Windahl, S. 1982, Communication Models for the Study of Mass Communication, 2nd ed. , Longman Publishing, New York. Rouse, M. J. and Rouse, S. 2002, Business Communications, Thomson Learning, Cornwall. Shannon, C. E. and Weaver, W. 1949, the Mathematical Theory of Communication, the University of Illinois Press, Urbana. Steil K. Lyman 1983, Effective Listening: Key to your success, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Canada. hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 13.04.2009 ) hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 13.04.2009 )

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Should Marijuana Be Legalized - 949 Words

In the debate to legalize Marijuana, there are people for the legalization and there are people who are against the legalization. Before I get too far into my own side and the opinions I have to go along with it, I’m going to give you some information to help you better decide your own side. The main thing going around right now to legalize Marijuana is Prohibition 48. Prohibition 48 is the amendment to the state constitution proposed by the people of Mississippi. In my research on the subject I found that prohibition 48 is said to be the ending of Marijuana prohibition in Mississippi. This prohibition will legalize medical and recreational marijuana use. It will also follow up with growing up Marijuana and all Hemp products. Forgiveness will be given to all offenders that aren’t violent. The only thing is that recreational marijuana will be taxed and I am not particularly sure how I feel about that. According to Yes to Prohibition 48 â€Å"Proceeds from these taxes wi ll wholly and directly benefit Mississippi schools.† The end of this prohibition will bring with it many changes to legal, economy, educational, and healthcare systems. Throughout all of my research on the subject of legalizing marijuana my opinion on the subject has grown tremendously. Marijuana will be a great contribution to our medical systems and the research that will be done on it will give way to greater medicines than we could possibly imagine. There are many people who are against the legalization ofShow MoreRelatedShould Marijuana Be Legalized?849 Words   |  4 Pageswhether marijuana should be legalized. Around 23 states have legalized marijuana for medical and recreational use. In the state of Illinois, medicinal use of marijuana has been passed on April 17, 2013. Since January 2014, patients are able to obtain marijuana with a doctor s recommendation. The new debate is whether marijuana should be legalized for the general public as a recreational drug. Although some believe that marijuana is harmless, and that it has beneficial medicinal uses, marijuana shouldRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1715 Words   |  7 PagesMarijuana in Society Cannabis, formally known as marijuana is a drug obtained from the tops, stems and leaves of the hemp plant cannabis. The drug is one of the most commonly used drugs in the world. Only substances like caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are used more (â€Å"Marijuana† 1). In the U. S. where some use it to feel â€Å"high† or get an escape from reality. The drug is referred to in many ways; weed, grass, pot, and or reefer are some common names used to describe the drug (â€Å"Marijuana† 1). Like mostRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1489 Words   |  6 Pagescannabis plant or marijuana is intended for use of a psychoactive drug or medicine. It is used for recreational or medical uses. In some religions, marijuana is predominantly used for spiritual purposes. Cannabis is indigenous to central and south Asia. Cannabis has been scientifically proven that you can not die from smoking marijuana. Marijuana should be legalized to help people with medical benefits, econo mic benefits, and criminal benefits. In eight states, marijuana was legalized for recreationalRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1245 Words   |  5 PagesMarijuana is a highly debatable topic that is rapidly gaining attention in society today.   Legalizing marijuana can benefit the economy of this nation through the creation of jobs, increased tax revenue, and a decrease in taxpayer money spent on law enforcement.   Ã‚  Many people would outlaw alcohol, cigarettes, fast food, gambling, and tanning beds because of the harmful effects they have on members of a society, but this is the United States of America; the land of the free and we should give peopleRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1010 Words   |  5 PagesThe legalization of marijuana became a heated political subject in the last few years. Twenty-one states in America have legalized medical marijuana. Colorado and Washington are the only states where marijuana can be purchased recreationally. Marijuana is the high THC level part of the cannabis plant, which gives users the â€Å"high† feeling. There is ample evidence that supports the argument that marijuana is beneficial. The government should legalize marijuana recreationally for three main reasonsRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1350 Words   |  6 Pagespolitics in the past decade would have to be the legalization of marijuana. The sale and production of marijuana have been legalized for medicinal uses in over twenty states and has been legalized for recreational uses in seven states. Despite the ongoing support for marijuana, it has yet to be fully legalized in the federal level due to cultural bias against â€Å"pot† smoking and the focus over its negative effects. However, legalizing marijuana has been proven to decrease the rate of incrimination in AmericaRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1231 Words   |  5 Pagesshows the positive benefits of marijuana, it remains illegal under federal law. In recent years, numerous states have defied federal law and legalized marijuana for both recreational and medicinal use. Arizona has legalized marijuana for medical use, but it still remains illegal to use recreationally. This is absurd, as the evidence gathered over the last few decades strongly supports the notion that it is safer than alcohol, a widely available substance. Marijuana being listed as a Schedule I drugRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1457 Words   |  6 PagesSHOULD MARIJUANA BE LEGALIZED? Marijuana is a drug that has sparked much controversy over the past decade as to whether or not it should be legalized. People once thought of marijuana as a bad, mind-altering drug which changes a person’s personality which can lead to crime and violence through selling and buying it. In the past, the majority of citizens believed that marijuana is a harmful drug that should be kept off the market and out of the hands of the public. However, a recent study conductedRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1596 Words   |  7 Pages But what needs to be known before a user can safely and completely make the decision if trying Marijuana is a good idea? Many do not want the drug to be legalized because they claim that Cannabis is a â€Å"gateway drug†, meaning it will cause people to try harder drugs once their body builds up a resistance to Marijuana, because a stronger drug will be needed to reach a high state. This argument is often falsely related to the medical si de of the debate over legalization. It is claimed that this wouldRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?985 Words   |  4 PagesLegalize Marijuana Despite what people believe about marijuana, it hasn’t once proved to be the cause of any real issue. It makes you wonder what the reason as to why there is a war on drugs. Why is marijuana the main concern? Since the time that alcohol and tobacco became legal, people wonder why marijuana isn’t legal yet. The fact that marijuana is illegal is mainly caused by the amount of money, jobs, and pride invested in the drug war. Once the government starts anything, they stick to it. At